Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

What a great Mother's Day. Ron, Connie and I were on a dive boat out of San Diego doing Reef Check dives. It was great fun to be doing this as a family. What a great present. The conditions were not the best, algae bloom, so we were not able to survey Broomtail Reef, but had to find another spot. That spot was at best marginal, but we still had a great time. I had to sit one dive out because my tank blew an O ring while I was waiting for Ron and when I got back on the boat my motion sickness blossomed and I had to sit it out. I managed to keep it all down, and was able to make the last dive. Connie had the motion sickness going on and sat out the third dive.
Ron got the best present of all. Connie gave him 5m socks to wear in his boots and for the first time diving in CA he was not cold. He refused to give them back to Connie. Offered to pay for them, but would not give them back.
A good time was had by all.

Connie's Recert Boat Trip

This time I was on the overnight boat trip with Connie. We went out to Catalina Island and had six great dives. Connie passed all of her tests and I passed FISH. WooHoo. Reef Check is such a great thing to do. We both are always so excited when we get to go on a Reef Check dive, especially a boat trip. Phil and Sylvia are taking the June class and Joby is doing the San Diego class. We will have our own survey crew.

Ron's Reef Check

Ron went through the Reef Check class in April and I was able to go on the overnight boat out of Long Beach with him. He didn't have a lot to say about taking the class since I gave it to him for a Christmas present. Last year Connie gave him the dive certification and this year he had to do Reef Check. He claims we probably are planning his life for him, but the truth is we just want more playmates. We did three dives each day. Ron passed all his stuff except fish. Like Mother, like son. Ron is a new diver, 30 dives total at this time and he is awesome. He may not pass fish this year, but he will next year.

Skiing Mammoth

Memorial Day weekend and I'm in Mammoth Lakes skiing, how cool is that. The snow has been great all three days. It did get real sticky at the end of the day today, so I quit. I'm up here with a Meet-Up group and it's been good. The group keeps the cost down, especially with my season pass, and Brent's cooking. He's made breakfast, took lunch stuff to the mountain, and cooked dinner for 10. Good job Brent, I'll go on a trip with you any day. I did help with the clean-up though.
Friday night I took some time and went down to Bishop for Mule Days. It's been over 20 years since I'd been there and it was different, but good in it's own way. I enjoyed the show, especially the Pack Scramble. I've been wanting to come up for a number of years, but just didn't get it done. So this ski trip served two purposes. I've had a great time.
Since I have a season pass this year I have been up here skiing a lot. I would like to say that I have gotten to be a better skier, but that is still up for debate. Even if I didn't, I've had a lot of fun trying.