Sunday, May 30, 2010

Skiing Mammoth

Memorial Day weekend and I'm in Mammoth Lakes skiing, how cool is that. The snow has been great all three days. It did get real sticky at the end of the day today, so I quit. I'm up here with a Meet-Up group and it's been good. The group keeps the cost down, especially with my season pass, and Brent's cooking. He's made breakfast, took lunch stuff to the mountain, and cooked dinner for 10. Good job Brent, I'll go on a trip with you any day. I did help with the clean-up though.
Friday night I took some time and went down to Bishop for Mule Days. It's been over 20 years since I'd been there and it was different, but good in it's own way. I enjoyed the show, especially the Pack Scramble. I've been wanting to come up for a number of years, but just didn't get it done. So this ski trip served two purposes. I've had a great time.
Since I have a season pass this year I have been up here skiing a lot. I would like to say that I have gotten to be a better skier, but that is still up for debate. Even if I didn't, I've had a lot of fun trying.

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