Sunday, December 27, 2009

Catalina in December

The weekend before Christmas found six of us crazy divers spending three days diving off Casino Point on Catalina Island.
Connie, Phil, Sylvia, Don, Edie and for the first time, my youngest son Ron. Ron is a newbie who almost doubled the number of dives he's done this weekend. We did 9 dives, with Connie, Ron and Phil doing all nine. I didn't do the night dive. I was tired and cold and it seemed like a good idea to provide shore support.
Ron does a great job and is a natural at this sport. He was very thankful to Phil for the use of his 120 cubic ft tank because it meant he was not the weak link - oh I forgot, it was renamed the benchmark. He had to give it up for Don on Sat so he used Phil's 100 and Phil used a rented 77. (Phil still beat most of us on air, even with a 77)
The water was cold and Ron wasn't dressed for it but hung in there and did all of the dives. He didn't say a word at the time, but later told us it took him three days to warm up.
This weekend Ron had a number of firsts: first night dive,(very impressed), first time at 100 ft, (not impressed).
On the last dive of the weekend Phil decided we were going to look for this Electric Ray that hangs out around 100 ft. The current was strong and we were doing a lot of swimming at depth and Phil was running out of bottom time and was booking it back when Ron found, not one, but two Rays. Phil had to come back to see them, and gave Ron two thumbs up for finding them. None of us went down where they were since we were all about in deco. We were all stoked that Ron found them. Other than the fact that Ron was cold, it was a perfect weekend.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tall Ship to Catalina

What a great weekend. I was invited to go on the Tall Ship, Tole Mour. It is pronounced, toll e, more. We left out of Long Beach on Sat. morning. Of course we didn't leave on time because a bunch of us got lost on the way to the parking lot and then again as we were walking back.

Once we got out of the harbor, on the other side of the breakwater things got interesting. We learned how to put up 8 of the sails. We all got together and pulled on ropes, using muscles I'd forgotten I had. Like the ones just below the ribcage, both front and back.

We were exposed to some of the activities students are able to do when they are aboard ship. One of them was climbing out on the very end of the ship. We strapped on a harness and hooked ourselves up and then climbed over the rail and made our way over the rope net to the view at the front.

The most challenging thing we did was climb the 70ft mast. Not only was it high, but the ropes where you had to step were very far apart at the start. Then when you got up to the top, the foot holds couldn't fit a kids shoe in them. But I did it, and I came back down the other side. When a number of us got back down, we started comparing our wobbly knees and shaking hands. It was the first time I've had a chance to do something like that and I was determined to do it all. I didn't allow myself to think if I was scared, I just did it.

Sunday was snorkeling day. I haven't been in the water in three weeks so I was happy to be wet. We saw lots of good stuff, but I don't have an underwater camera, so I don't have fish pictures. Connie has already figured out which camera I am going to get, now I just have to get it. I don't want to wait till Xmas, since we are going diving next weekend.

After the snorkel, we put the sails up and headed back. On the way out we saw a Minke whale and a pod of dolphins. On the way home we saw two whales and they breached right next to the boat. Beautiful

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Anacapa Island

Connie and I went to Ventura to spend two days diving for Reef Check off the Explorer. We were able to complete the surveys and still have time for a couple of "fun" dives. We left to go up after Connie's square dance and got there about midnight. We spent the night on the boat both Friday and Sat. When we got back Sat. afternoon we headed over to see Tim and Sally Jo. It had been three years ago in Maui since we saw them. We had a great time. They have a beautiful family and it was fun to visit.
Sunday we were back out trying to find sites to dive that didn't have a ripping current going on. We found it at Landing Cove. This is just right of the landing for the ferry that brings visitors to Anacapa. Ron and Martha, this is where we climbed the stairs from the boat.
We ended up doing three dives again on Sunday, but only one survey. The other two were for fun. It was interesting that both Connie and I felt lost without our survey gear. It was like, "where do we go". We did finally figure it out and had a couple of good dives.
I included the picture of the boat, even though that is neither Connie or I jumping in, because it gives real meaning to the phrase, "giant stride".

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Diving Hill Street

September 28th Connie and I went to San Diego and dove the Hill Street Site for Reef Check. It was so foggy they couldn't find their way. They usually know where it is from looking at the shore, but we couldn't see the shore. Finally found it with the help of a cell phone and GPS.
The water was cold, which we did not expect. The captain said it had been 67 degrees lately, but we recorded 54 on some of our computers. Connie was blue after our second dive. Her body was warmer because she used her heat packs, but that didn't help her lips.
Both dives were good dives, but they had very few fish and inverts. Lots of seaweed though, lots.
After the dive we went to Magic Squares and danced two sessions. By the time we got home we were wore out. We were suppose to get up and dive Sunday at 7:00 for a shore dive and let's just say, it didn't happen.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Maui Boat dive

Went to Mol0kini Crater this morning and had two great dives. We dropped down on a reef with 100's of fish. Butterflies of all sorts, Damsel fish, Pennant fish, Tangs, plus lots of others. Amazing array of color and quantity. Found some Spanish Dancer eggs and Garden eels. I also saw a Rare Pyramid Longnose Butterfly. I took a picture, but it didn't turn out. He was dark, against a dark background and I only got one shot and he didn't show up. The first time I have ever seen one. I did get some good pictures of other things, but not as good as Connie would have done. But at least I still have a camera to play with. It was a good dive all the way around.
or our second dive we came in and dove off the end of 5 caves. They called it the new Turtle Town because all the turtles have moved down from TT to there. We saw lots of them. I was in a mood to look at little fish and I had a great time, because there were lots of them. Some day I want to find a book that tells me what all those little guys will look like when they grow up. A bad day of diving is better than a good day at work and this was a great day. Does that tell you where work stands about now?
Well we are getting down to the wire. It is almost time to come home.
Spent the whole day snorkeling at Honolua Bay with Jan and Bob. It was a perfect day. The ocean was like glass, the visibility was great and we saw some new stuff. Jan was taking pictures with my camera, (she toasted hers) and used the battery up so she could not get a picture of the black and white stripped fish we found.
This was a cater to Jan snorkel trip. First we went out to the left and after a couple of hours she informs me she'd crashing. (diabetic) So Bob and I tow her in to shore and get some juice and food into her. Off we go again and after a couple more hours her toes start to crap. Of course we are all the way out to the end of the bay and here we go again. Bob and I towed her back to shore again. In all we were in the water between 4-5 hours. Even then, it was so beautiful and calm I hated to leave. The ocean was as calm as I have ever seen it. Of course the fact that it's now time to come home also has something to do with hating to leave also. I'm diving in the morning so better get ready. Later

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Five Caves 8-22-09

Jan took me to meet Ron at Makena Landing at 7:00 and we were under the water at 7:38. Ron had to go to work so he wanted in and out. The vis wasn't the best, but good enough to enjoy ourselves. Saw so many turtles, I lost count. One of them came out of the cave about a foot above my head. At the bubble cave a turtle was on top getting his breath of air, so we didn't bother him. There was a surge going on so the washing machine was very interesting. Definitely a hang on and then kick with the surge.
When we got back Ron found that his BC has lost a part and he could not inflate. So he tried to manually blow it up and the air came out of the hole left from the part. He had to snorkel in and of course he went and got the flag. I was going to go since I was ok, but he was already half way there.
This was our last dive for this year. He is working a lot and so can't go anymore this week.
I have at least one boat dive scheduled and maybe a dive with Michelle.
I'm going to miss Maui when I'm gone.
PS Connie I included some of these pictures to show you that fish DO sometimes turn sideways for a camera. Love you

Friday, August 21, 2009

Snorkeling Honolua Bay 09

Finally Jan got her perfect snorkeling day. Problem was, 1. she felt like throwing up the whole time we were out there, 2. her legs and feet kept cramping, 3. she started coughing and couldn't seem to quit, 4. and her mask leaked big time. Other than that she had a great time. The bay was perfect. It seemed to be a day for yellow fish. We saw all the normal yellow fish, plus the blue stripped butterfly(first picture) Jan also found a red leaf scorpion fish, but since neither of us can get to the bottom, we couldn't get a picture. Visibility was great, lots of fish, good parking spot, and we stayed out there for two and a half hours. Good day

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Snorkeling Old Airport 09

Bob, Jan and I went up to Lahina for lunch with a friend from square dancing. She put on a great lunch with 5 courses. After we left we went over to Old Airport and snorkeled. Poor Jan had nothing but trouble. We looked before we went in and the waves weren't bad, but by the time we got ready they were more than she liked. To give her credit, she made it in. Then her mask would not quiet fogging and since the waves were more than she was comfortable with she didn't dare take it off. So eventually we took her back and Bob and I snorkeled. The first picture is of a Stocky Hawkfish. I am pretty proud of that picture since it is a snorkeling picture. Since I can't get my body under the water without weights this is as close as I can get. The second pictures shows the coral and it does have an eel in it. Can you find it? And what would a blog post be without turtles. We are taking off early tomorrow to try and get Jan in the water before it gets too rough so she can have a good experience snorkeling. Miss you all.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Back Underwater 8-14-09

Andy was available to dive today so I called him last night and met him at Maui Dreams this morning. We went to Hala Point. It was a good dive, especially since I found a frog fish. I found it! I was so excited to have found one on my own. Connie is the one who found all the rest of them. I was proud of myself because I didn't need any one's help for anything today. Got geared up, got in, got out, all by myself.
I included three pictures of my frog fish because this is my blog and it's my fish. The picture with the urchin is there because of the black and white fish that almost got away, but what I got was sideways. I also got my arm in an Urchin and he left spines in my wet suit and two of them came through into my arm. And Connie, I was using the flash. I'm just not as good as you are.
Andy dives a little different than we do. He had a mission in mind and swimming it was what he does. We on the other hand dawdle around and don't get near as far as we did today. Of course I use more air when I swim faster, so I only got 80 min on my tank today. I am going to have to figure out how to do better on my air.
Missed you Connie.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Maui Snorkeling 09

We were slow moving today but we finally made it to Turtle Town to snorkel. It was still early enough to get a good parking spot. The visibility was good and Jan saw a turtle. We found a couple more Saddleback Butterfly fish and Jan sorta got a picture of them. We also saw a yellow tail Coris that was changing from it's Nemo looking stage to it's middle stage and it still had the Nemo coloring on it's head and the rest of it's body was the blue and yellow of the adult coris. We also found a pair of Barred filefish. I don't remember seeing it before, so it goes on my "seen for the first time" list. It seemed like we were only there for a little while when we had to quit. Jan was nauseous and cramping and when I looked we had been in the water for 90 min. Miss you Connie.