Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day Nine and Ten Churchill Canada 7-27/28-11

Today we saw a Polar Bear up close and personal. As we were going to breakfast Craig came running down the stairs yelling there is a bear out my window. Of course we took off for his room and watched as it came down onto the grounds of the research center. We shifted to the outside observation deck as he came around the corner. He finally settled down in the trees. They said he was a young two year old bear and was pretty skinny. After we left for the site they said he went into one of the ponds and laid there cooling off and then came back to the same area.
When we were going back out after lunch we drove by the spot Dr. Kershaw was going to check his equipment and there he was. Carley radioed back and Pete was hoping they could scare him off. Carley turned the van around, came up to Dr. Kershaw, rolled down the window and said,"I hate to burst your science bubble, but there is a bear at your site and you are not going there". Not even science happens in the face of a polar bear.

Today is our last full day of work before we head back to our real worlds. It will be so hard to leave this place and all of the teachers in this group. What a great bunch of teachers. Our children are so lucky to have teachers who are this excited about learning and new adventures.

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