Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Our fifth annual dive trip to Bonaire produced some pleasant surprises. First was the lion fish population. In past years it was not unusual to find 5 - 10 adult lion fish on any one dive. This year we probably found only 15-20 on all 28 of our dives. We were informed that even though they have been a Marine Protected Area for over 30 years they have implemented a program when they train divers to hunt the lion fish and the resturants serve a lion fish dinner for $45. Together they have made a big dent in the population.

The second project we found out about is Buddys Dive Resort's program for growing antler coral. It is a  program with a 96% success rate. It is great to know that people are looking for and implementing unconventional ways to help our marine environment.
Adult Drum

Juvenile Drum

Adult Lion Fish

Banded Butterflies

Coral Growing Trees at Buddys Dive Resort

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