Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Cozumel Day Five


Santa Rosa Wall
69ft 51min

Met at Serigo's and five new people joined us. Four women from OK and Thomas from Germany, living in Australia. The women were good divers and fun to be around. Connie held my hand most of the day and I wondered what I had done wrong. It turned out nothing, but she was tired of me getting away from her and then she couldn't show me the neat stuff she found. Walls are Connie's favorite dives.
Bottom time

Punta Tunitch & Tormentos
49ft 71min

All of the OK women went this dive. The one had a cold and was afraid she couldn't clear, but she did fine. We say lots of Trigger fish and their eggs. Paul(partner on the Swordfish) said they are aggressive fish and chase everything off. There was a big lobster out in the open and we all got our picture taken with it. It was a shallow dive with lots of bottom time, so much so that we ran out of reef.
Bottom time

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