Saturday, August 1, 2009

Maui Day 3

Met Ron Ross at Wailea this morning and after we spent an hour catching up with him we headed down to the water. There is a south swell that is suppose to last through Sunday and it caused some pretty decent waves. Of course when we went in one of them picked me up and threw me back on my butt. Connie being the great daughter she is, came with me. She said the wave took her, it wasn't me hanging onto her that knocked her over but I'm not postive.
She took her camera and was trying different settings and got some good turtle shots. The turtle was so funny. We came upon it and Ron starting slowing waving his arms and she took one look at him, settled down and said "pet me, pet me".
The visibility was about 30ft and since we dive in CA we thought it was great.
After we came home and took a nap, she dragged me off to the bathing suit store and I actually bought one. Since the one I am wearing is about 9 years old, I guess it was time.

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